Contact us

AXA Wealth Europe, your Luxembourgish wealth solution


Sales Department

Laurent GAYET Head of Business Development, Wealth Planning and Legal / Deputy CEO E-mail : Tel. : +352 44 24 24 4329

Lionel PICOU Head of Sales France & Monaco & Luxembourg E-mail : Tel. : +352 661 186 223

Alexandre LE ROCH Sales Advisor France & Monaco & Luxembourg E-mail : Tel. : +352 661 949 195

Mehdi BOUCHELLIGA Sales Advisor France & Monaco & Luxembourg E-mail : Tel. : +352 661 642 228

Peter DESMAELS Sales in charge of Belgian Markets E-mail : Tel. : +352 661 949 979

Customer Services

E-mail : Tél. France : 0800 91 89 89 Tél. Luxembourg : 00 352 44 24 24 50 27 Tél. Belgique : 00 352 44 24 24 50 27

AXA Wealth Europe 1, place de l'Etoile L-1479 Luxembourg

Download the presentation leaflet

Making a complaint

1 - Processing of personal data

Any data subject wishing to make a complaint on this subject may exercise these rights by sending to the company, for the attention of the delegate for the protection of personal data, either a written, dated and signed request, accompanied by a copy of the front and back of his/her currently valid identity document, to the address AXA Wealth Europe - 1 Place de l’Etoile - L-1479 Luxembourg, or an e-mail to the following address:


All complaints in connection with the processing of personal data can be sent to the Commission Nationale sur la Protection des Données Personnelles (CNPD) – Service des Plaintes – 15 Bd du Jazz, 4370 Esch-Belval.

2 - Complaints relating to the policy

2.1 Mediation

The paragraph below sets out the terms for reviewing complaints and the mediation process. However, this procedure is not a prerequisite to exercising your right to instigate proceedings before the court of competent jurisdiction. It is therefore possible to lodge and appeal with the Insurance Ombudsman, an independent body, which in Luxembourg is the ACA, the association of insurance companies, by visiting the website:

The ACA contact details are:


Address: ACA c/o Médiateur en Assurance B.P. 448 L-2014 LUXEMBOURG

Document for download "Médiation ACA"

2.2 Your adviser

In case of problems, please first speak to your adviser who can answer any questions and deal with any complaints you may have.

2.3 The insurance company

In addition to the above, you can also send a letter explaining your grievance to our Customer Service department at: AXA Wealth Europe - 1 Place de l’Etoile - L-1479 Luxembourg, specifying the name and number of your policy as well as your full contact details. If there are any problems, the Customer Service department will deal with your case in person.

If misunderstandings persist, you can contact the management team of AXA Wealth Europe by sending a letter to our Customer Service department at: AXA Wealth Europe - 1 Place de l’Etoile - L-1479 Luxembourg, specifying the name and number of your policy as well as your full contact details, and stating that the letter is intended for the company’s general manager.

You can also fill out the form on the website - "Contactez nous” (contact us) section or send it by e-mail to:

Your case will be given careful consideration and you will be sent a confirmation of receipt within 3 days. You can then expect a response to your complaint within 30 days at the latest (unless there are exceptional circumstances which we will inform you of).

3 - The Commissariat aux Assurances

Pursuant to the Regulation of the Commissariat aux Assurances (supervisory body for the insurance sector) No. 19/03 of 26 February 2019 on out-of-court dispute resolution, Where the claimant has not received a reply or a satisfactory reply within the period referred to in the previous paragraph, they may refer their request to the CAA within a period of one year from the date on which they lodged their prior complaint with the professional.

The request must be made in writing to the following address Commissariat aux Assurances:

11, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg

Tel.: (+352) 22 69 11 - 1

Fax: (+352) 22 69 10

Or directly online on the CAA website.

To make it easier to submit a claim, the CAA provides a form which you will find below:

Out-of-court complaint resolution form.

4 - Making a report:

AXA Luxembourg encourages the reporting of any violations of the Code of Conduct, local anti-corruption policies and generally inappropriate, unethical or illegal behavior. Possible violations can be reported via a dedicated communication channel or directly by e-mail to